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It’s been some time since my last post on Retrogaming Times Monthly and that’s not because I’ve been ignoring it, but rather the inability to effectively read through RTM’s new format. You see, for the past few months, RTM has been using a new online browsing method whereby you click tabs and arrows to go back and forth between pages. Nothing wrong with that per say, but try downloading the html to read it on the go, which I often do, and you’ll see that it just will not work. Previously, RTM was published on simple, but effective, one page html files, which could easily be downloaded and read anywhere. Anyway, I persisted for issue 83 as there are a handful of interesting articles within this strictly online ezine, including ‘Gaming Year In Review: 1983′, ‘Sega Rocks! – Burning Rangers’ and ‘MAME Reviews – Ninja-Kid II’. There is also the usual news and regular articles to read, so if you can put up with the convoluted browser interface, this is a fine read.
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