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The GBATemp Homebrew Bounty is well under way. There is more than $5,000 up for grabs. The only requirement is that the project must either be completely new, or come in a new version that presents significant updates. The final submission deadline is May 31st. Users can still contribute to the bounty in the form of Paypal donations to filetrip/at/gmail/dot/com.

Please pass on information related to the bounty to any developer that you know, or Web site that hosts Homebrew news! The more we get the word out the greater potential we have for new and significantly updated Homebrew projects.

QUOTE(Break Down)
  • DSi Homebrew: 2,785 US Dollars. The bounty will be broken down to 5 winners.
  • DS Homebrew: 1,135 US Dollars. 3 winners
  • DSTWO Homebrew: 300 US Dollars (updated!). 3 winners
  • Wii Homebrew: 533 US Dollars. 3 winners
  • GBAtemp Special Prize: 543 US Dollars. 1 winner