Deadly Assassin Outfit, War Horse and Golden Guns finally coming to Xbox Live and PSN

Rockstar has confirmed that three pieces of DLC will be made available for Red Dead Redemption this week.
Each piece was originally offered as a pre-order incentives when the game was first released in May last year. They will now be available to everyone on Xbox Live and PSN.

The three pieces – Deadly Assassin’s Outfit, War Horse and Golden Guns Weapons Pack – will go live on April 12th, and will cost 80 Microsoft Points or $0.99 each.
A post on the official site reads: “Apologies to everyone for having to wait so long to get these available as DLC as there were some unanticipated technical delays.”
Rockstar went on to add that pre-order DLC for L.A. Noire should become widely available much sooner.