A Sony website in Thailand has been hacked and virtual points stolen in Japan, as the company suffers two new attacks - although the PlayStation Network itself has not been affected.

A link to a fake site purporting to be an Italian credit card company was added to the Sony website, with the hackers attempting to trick customers into revealing card and personal information.

The incident was proceeded by a separate attack on Thursday, with Sony's So-Net Internet service provider revealing that hackers had infiltrated their system and stolen ¥100,000 ($1,225/€875) worth of "virtual points" from account holders.

"What we've done is stopped the So-Net points exchanges and told customers to change their passwords," said So-Net in a statement.

"At this point in our investigations, we have not confirmed any data leakage. We have not found any sign of a possibility that a third party has obtained members' names, address, birth dates and phone numbers," added the company.

The incidents are the most serious since attacks last month that compromised up to 100 million PlayStation Network and Station.com accounts. Although some PlayStation Network services have now been restored the PlayStation Store is still out of service.

"Sony is going through a pretty rigorous process and finding the holes to fill," said Josh Shaul, CTO for computer security firm Application Security in a Reuters interview.

"The hackers are going through the same process and they're putting their fingers in the holes faster than Sony can fill them," he added. "I think it's now 'I'm a hacker and I'm bored, let's go after Sony.'"
