The games on show at E3 2011 are some of the best in living memory. So you really owe it to yourself to vote in CVG's inaugural E3 2011 Awards... in the Most Anticipated Title category.

Shortly before the show, we'll work out which of these 60 special E3 game previews have enjoyed the most page views, Facebook 'Likes', ReTweets and poll votes (see below) and crown our first victor at the Los Angeles event. Show your favourites the love!

Game: Halo 4 / Halo HD
Publisher: Microsoft
Likelihood of E3 2011 showing: Possible / Likely

We recently chatted to 343 Industries' Frank O'Connor and, while the Halo impresario didn't shed much light on what The Next Halo would be, he also did little much to quell rumours that an HD reboot of Combat Evolved was on its way.

At the time of writing those rumours have solidified a little more, with the unconfirmed news that New Jersey devils Saber Interactive (the bunch behind 2007's oh-so-average Timeshift and Namco's forthcoming Inversion) might be the team heading up a glossy HD reimagining of Microsoft's flagship shooter - which conveniently celebrates its ten-year anniversary on 15 November.

No surprises for guessing the projected release date of Halo HD, then! The bizarre choice of developer makes this a hard one to swallow wholesale - but then, with 343 whispered to be hard at work on Halo 4, it makes sense they'd ship it off to someone else.

Further intel: the Reach engine will not be used, this isn't just a HD makeover, and new flavour CE will pack a bunch of redesigned art assets, plus remapped control schemes and - ooh! - full 3D.

Re-evolution, it seems, is imminent. So, what about Halo 4? We're convinced it will release late in 2012 - but security surrounding the project is unprecedented and a bullish O'Connor's in no mood to spill the beans... though this summer's E3 may be another story.

One thing's for sure, 343 Studios are hiring like crazy - and that raft of Lead Software Development Engineers, Technical Artists and Multiplayer Designers joining the ranks aren't there to help out in the canteen. Start get ting excited, people.