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SPU2-X SVN r4678 is released. SPU2-X is a pcsx2 sound plugin for PCSX2.

SPU2-X SVN Changelog:
SPU2-X: Improved Real-Reverb engine algorithm.

Before trying this revision, make sure your speakers/headphones are not too loud.

I have been looking at it for a long while, and I decided it couldn't be just "somewhat similar" to a Schroeder Reverberator.
The SPU2 designers would have actually used a working design for a reverberator, so chances are they implemented Schroeder's.

I haven't had the chance to test this code in spu2-x, but the results in the "Impulse Response Analyzer" tool I coded specifically for this, are positive.

Some tweaks might be needed, because I'm not sure if Neill got the IIR part right or not.