Gameloft's mobile MMO Order & Chaos Online has notched up revenue sales of just over £600,000 ($1,000,000) in the 20 days since its App Store debut.

With a retail price of £3.99 ($6.99) which also includes three months of subscription time, the figures suggest that around 140,000 MMO gamers are currently playing the heavily WOW-inspired title. Those numbers will no doubt be bolstered further with an upcoming Android release that will see players on both platforms battling together.

Once the initial three months of game time are up, players can choose to continue subscribing at a cost of £0.59 for one month, £1.19 for three months, or £1.79 for six months. As well as in-game gold that can be purchased from the developer, players can also buy Runes which are used to obtain temporary stat and XP boosts, as well as vanity items such as pets.

The game has already attracted the attention of third-party gold sellers, attempting to undercut the game's official store. Eurogamer spoke to Gameloft's Callum Rowley this morning: "We have a dedicated team within Gameloft who are dealing with the problem of players selling gold for real money and we actively encourage our players to report anyone who they suspect is involved in such transactions", he explained.

"We don't view it as detrimental to the game's economy or player gameplay experience because we offer players the opportunity to purchase in-game gold – the game is balanced and tailored accordingly. But if players turn to 3rd party sellers rather than Gameloft's own in-game store, the profitability of the game decreases, making it harder to justify future updates for the game."

A content update expected in June will provide new quests, dedicated language chat channels and a server migration service. Further content updates will bring new dungeons, as well as player-versus-player arena environments to the game. Paid-for expansions may be offered in the future, but for now the developer is focusing on expanding the core game at no extra cost beyond the subscription fee.

Gameloft declined to comment on the development costs behind Order & Chaos Online, but did confirm that the title represented the longest and biggest project undertaken by the company, with around 30 core production team members involved.