A new entry in Ubisoft's Rainbow Six franchise is on its way that will see the series return to its strategic roots, according to a Kotaku tipster.

Though no name for the project has been settled on yet, the source claimed that the game will see your team attempting to thwart a homegrown terrorist attack on New York City.

It'll be more story-driven than recent entries in the long-running tactical FPS series, but see a renewed focus on stealth and strategy over reckless gunplay.

The new game will apparently sport a new "icon-rich" visual style and include a cover system which sees the action briefly switching from first person to third person.

Ubisoft has declined to comment on the leak.

This isn't first time talk of a new Rainbow Six games has popped up. Last month "Rainbow Six (2011)" appeared on a developer resumé while Ubisoft has been sitting on the www.rainbowsix-bd.com domain name since 2009.

An E3 reveal perhaps? We wouldn't bet against it.

The last time the series graced our screens was the solid Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 back in 2008, which skillfully maneuvered a 7/10 from Eurogamer's Kristan Reed.
