Typical. You wait 14 years for a next-gen Duke Nukem game and two come along at once.

Little-known Danish studio Interceptor Entertainment is creating an Unreal Engine-powered remake of the classic Duke Nukem 3D, due for release later this year.

The company has enjoyed the full blessing and support of Gearbox Software for Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded on a non-commercial basis, and has employed over 30 people to recreate the 1996 classic. The original voice of Duke, Jon St. John, will record original material for the game.

Reloaded will have a full multiplayer element, with support for 16 simultaneous players and classic maps including Hollywood Holocaust. Modes will include 'Dukematch', 'Capture The Babe' and a play on Horde, and will allow gamers to play as Duke, General Graves, Assault Trooper and Pig Cop .

An upcoming multiplayer demo will offer two multiplayer maps, seven weapons - including the Ripper, Shotgun and the legendary Mighty Boot - and four playable characters.

Interceptor claims that it is "utilising the latest and greatest in technology and talent" to make the title, and is currently advertising to expand its team.

It promises: "A faithful-but-fresh re-envisioning of one of 3D Realms' greatest endeavours, Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded will invite players both new and old to experience the seminal action-shooter in high-definition. Memorable locations such as Hollywood Holocaust and Shrapnel City will be respectfully recreated with new and exciting vehicular sequences, non-playable characters, scripted events and all-new interactive experiences."

Barry Cogan, lead level designer said: "Between the new capabilities of your target technology and the desire to remain faithful to the original piece there is a very fine line one can walk as a designer - and this is something we have nailed.

"When looking to remake [Hollywood Holocaust] we discussed what made it so. Some obvious parts stood out. The secret rocket launcher, Million Dollar Theater façade, bikini girl on the big screen, apartment block, rooftop, and arcade room... An initial pass was made which was a near pixel perfect copy of the original, but it became immediately apparent that this design would not work.

"The scale was visually identical. It felt cramped, small and even more dated. As lead level designer, the re-imagination fell to me. I set one stipulation: most, if not, all of the major components needed to be present. It is essential for players to feel like they are walking around in part of a larger environment rather than an enclosed box."

You can check out a few screenshots and pieces of concept art from the project on this very page - and visit Interceptor's own homepage, with a blog account of both the development process and its visit to Duke Nukem Forever devs Gearbox and Petroglyph.

Gearbox's own Duke Nukem Forever was released earlier this month to mixed reviews - but shot to the top of the UK Chart in its first week on sale.
