Brains Eden includes Games Jam and academic get together
This year's Brains Eden festival returns this weekend and will feature a 48-hour Games Jam.
The event will once again be held at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge and will run from July 9th to July 11th. The Games Jam will see 15 teams competing to develop the best computer game in just 48 hours.
The competition will be run by Cambridge-based studio Jumped Up Games. The developer's CEO Berbank Green said: "The event is a chance for students to make an entire computer game, from scratch, in 48 hours.
"Last year, the Games Jam produced the headline-grabbing 'Destroy The Brain' by roBurky, an Anglia Ruskin student and independent game developer, and his team.
"This year we have over 60 students from around the country and abroad the country and abroad, plus many notable indie developers and major studio developers, all coming to experiment and have fun. This is where the future of games takes shape."

Teams will be offered help and guidances from local games studios such as Ninja Theory, SCE Studio Cambridge and Jagex. The completed games will then be displayed in the Games ArtWork exhibition at Anglia Ruskin's digital Ruskin Gallery.