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NestopiaX v1.1 is released. NestopiaX is a NES emulator for the XBOX. This is a port of the pc NES emu nestopia and is now the best NES emu on XBOX. It also plays the famicom disc system games at full framerate.

Updates and changes:

Young Indiana Jones Chronicles was not working properly **FIXED
Family Circuit '91 was not working properly **FIXED
Fixed partially broken support for mapper 163. COntra 100 in 1 and 168 in 1 now work properly
Bus conflicts issue resolved: Free Fall (prototype) and Secret Scout (prototype) now work

Added new entries to the xml database for ips patched games. (thanks to plasturion)
the following games should now be playable:

1.) Getsufuu Maden (J) [T+Eng1.0_RPGe]
2.) Dragon Ball Z-Kyoushuu! Saiya Jin (j) (T+eng 1.01 Red Comet)
3.) Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (J) [T+Eng1.00_Vice]
4.) Cat Ninden Teyandee (J) [T+Eng.10_Vertigo]
5.) Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula-kun (J) [T+Eng1.02_Vice]
6.) Wai Wai World (J) [T+Eng1.00_Demiforce]
7.) Wai Wai World 2 - SOS!! Paseri Jou (J) [T-Eng1.00_Vice]

Alpha Channel Preview Bug fixed ** thanks weinerschnitzel for the link to fix :

Level FLip filter implemented. Now selecting the filter to "none" will flip all levels
backwards. Enjoy all your faves now backwards. (Thanks to plasturion)

Added an option to flip the default controls while playing flipped levels. You can find them
in controller options. NOTE***the ini will save what control you pick. so for the time
being you will have to change back your control options manually when you decide to revert back normal controls. todo: will fix in next release or at least, try to.