While the industry’s platform holders continue to sell the motion control revolution to gamers, one of the sector’s top execs has admitted that he doesn’t like it.

“Personally, while there’s some great experiences on Move, and there’s some great experiences on Kinect, I’m not a motion control guy,” EA CEO John Riccitiello told Industry Gamers. “It’s still too imprecise for me.

“I like shooting something and hitting it. I like turning a corner and feeling precision. So I still like my swizzle sticks and my shoulder buttons and my Xs and Os, etc.”

What does please him, however, is Nintendo’s new control design debuted with the Wii U. So impressed is the exec that he personally took to the stage at Nintendo’s E3 showcase, despite the lack of concrete software confirmations.

“There is something about having that second screen that transcends anything I’ve ever done before," he added. “It's a high definition platform and I love the controller. I just think it’s cool. You’re a gamer - so you’ve got the screen here [in your hands] and you’ve got the [TV] screen there and you’ve got full control.

"I can draw a pass pattern for Madden, I can be playing an FPS up here while I’m calling in air strikes or whatever I want to do. I can give all the detailed control off the screen, I can see another part of a map... I always find it breaks the spell for me when I’m playing a game with a squad and I have to stop the action and move up for them. Now I can just move them down here [on the tablet].

“I think there’s something really powerful about a second screen that I think really matters. I think we’re just beginning to realize what we can do with it and I think it’s obvious we can do a lot with it.”
