Online vigilante collective Anonymous has revealed surprise plans to launch its own, censorship-free social network.

The move comes after members of the group were blocked from accessing the new Google+ network. Many also had their Gmail addresses frozen.

Called AnonPlus, the network will allow all members to – surprise surprise – remain anonymous.

"Welcome to AnonPlus. This will be your future. This will be our future,” the AnonPlus holding page reads.

“Today, we welcome you to begin anew to watch this glorious incipience happen – one upon which you will never turn your back on. Welcome to the Revolution – a new social network where there is no fear of censorship, of blackout nor of holding back.

"Life is what you make of it – and we are making it. There will be no more oppression. There will be no more tyranny. We are the people and we are Anonymous. We have arrived."