Ubisoft believes that the Nintendo Wii U will be "extremely strong for both hardcore and casual gamers."

Those were the words of company CEO Yves Guillemot, who was asked by investors during an earnings call earlier this evening to reaffirm Ubisoft's enthusiasm for the new Nintendo console.

"We believe that the Wii U is bringing a very high quality," Guillemot replied.

"The new controller is a huge improvement on what can be done on console. We think its going to be extremely strong for casual and hardcore gamers."

"Nintendo has a huge number of customers that appreciate the brands on the Wii," he continued, "We know that Nintendo is looking at this next generation with big hopes. We expect the machine to be very successful."

Guillemot said earlier this month that he believed the announcement of the Wii U will push Sony and Microsoft to launch the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 sooner than they had originally planned.
