
Snes9x EX is a free Android port of the Super Nintendo emulator Snes9x.

Emulator for the SNES/Super Famicom based on Snes9x 1.43. Beware of Market apps using Snes9x commercially under different names (To the best of my knowledge, it´s used by all current SNES emulators on the Market). Snes9x has a non-commercial use license and these apps cannot legally be sold or force you to view ads. Furthermore, many of these unlicensed versions are from scam developers who constantly remove and repost the apps under different names to rip off unsuspecting users. Snes9x EX is properly licensed, as are all my other emulator apps. I´ll also answer questions related to this app on the official Snes9x message boards.


Accurate emulation and similar compatibility to Snes9x 1.43 on the PC

Full quality 44KHz stereo sound

Supports games in .smc, .sfc, .fig, and .1 formats, optionally in .zip files

Super Scope support, touch screen to fire, touch off-screen to push Cursor button

Mouse Support, see Snes9x EX section on website for instructions

Configurable on-screen multi-touch controls & keyboard support (needs Android 2.1+ for multi-touch, up to 3 touches supported at once)

Multiplayer-capable Wiimote + Classic Controller and iControlPad support (no need to purchase a separate app)

Backup memory and save state support, auto-save and ten manual slots for save states. State files from Snes9x 1.43 should work on Snes9x EX and vice-versa.

Portrait/Landscape auto-orientation support