Video games play a major part in Best Buy’s new UK consumer magazine.

The lovetech magazine will be available in all ten stores, to download from and will be inserted into the London edition of The Daily Telegraph later this month.The publication features a closer look at Nintendo’s upcoming home console, Wii U.

There are also reviews of recently-released movie tie-ins Cars 2 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, as well as a focus on PS3 and 3DS.The publication has been created in partnership with August Media.

“Consumer technology is such a diverse and exciting area and we love helping our customers find out about what’s right for them,” said Best Buy UK’s head of marketing communications Andrew Barclay.

“Our vision was for the magazine to embody the personality, knowledge and sense of fun that our Blueshirts and Geek Squad Agents have. It seemed only natural for us to produce an inspirational, contemporary and informative customer magazine, which, while aimed at our core customers – 20 to 40-year-olds – will appeal to everyone. It’s also a great opportunity to further raise awareness of our brand.”