The Wii U tablet does not spell doom for THQ’s uDraw plans – in fact quite the opposite.

As demonstrated at E3 in June, Nintendo’s new home console features a tablet that can be used for drawing – much like the uDraw gaming tablet – leading press and consumers to speculate it is game over for the peripheral.

But THQ’s executive VP of kids, family and casual Martin Good says Nintendo’s upcoming console is a ‘breath of fresh air’ for the publisher.

“THQ created the uDraw peripheral merely as a vehicle to bring software to enable to create greater drawing and learning,” he told MCV. “We are a software company not a hardware company. Seeing the likes of Nintendo coming out with Wii U and that tablet system is a breath of fresh air for us, as it will let us capitalise on the brand of uDraw and exploit it with these new partnerships we are pursuing now. It doesn’t really matter whether it is on the uDraw or someone else’s device.”

Good said THQ got the jump on Nintendo with its tablet controller arriving first.“The potential for the uDraw tablet is limitless,” he added.

“We can bring in other gameplay mechanics. This device would work beautifully with RTS play patterns and you can do some of the things with uDraw that Nintendo wants to do with Wii U. It was as if we were anticipating Wii U and we came out with a device somewhat earlier.”