EA has issued a frank statement explaining why it will not be selling Battlefield 3 through Steam.
The publisher blames new "restrictive terms of service which limit how developers interact with customers to deliver patches and other downloadable content" - restrictions which it says no other digital platform has.

It's not over yet though. EA adds: "We hope to work out an agreement where Steam can carry Battlefield 3."

This is the latest in the turbulence between EA and Steam, which kicked off when Crysis unexpectedly disappeared from Steam for similar reasons noted above. EA went on toacknowledge 'conflict' between it and Valve's Steam service because of these new Terms of Service.

Here's the full Battlefield 3 statement:

EA offers games, including Battlefield 3, to all major digital download sites. In doing so, our goal is to not only reach the widest possible global audience with our games, but also to provide ongoing customer support, patches and great new content. We are intent on providing Battlefield 3 players with the best possible experience no matter where they purchase or play the game, and are happy to partner with any download service that does not restrict our ability to connect directly with consumers.

For more on our policy to offer games to any major third party download service, please read here:http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/7372195.page

Gamers can pre-order Battlefield 3 at Origin.com as well as over 100 digital retailers worldwide. EA offers games to all major download services. Unfortunately, Steam has adopted a set of restrictive terms of service which limit how developers interact with customers to deliver patches and other downloadable content. No other download service has adopted these practices.

We are intent on providing Battlefield 3 players with the best possible experience no matter where they purchase or play their game, and are happy to partner with any download service that does not restrict our ability to connect directly with our consumers. We hope to work out an agreement where Steam can carry Battlefield 3; meanwhile, gamers can pick from the more than 100 digital retailers listed at http://www.battlefield.com/digitaldownload, or go tohttp://www.origin.com.