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Thread: Rioting Morons All Over UK

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Rioting Morons All Over UK

    In case you havent heard this is whats being reported on the BBC website:

    Rioting has spread across London on a third night of violence, with unrest flaring in other English cities.
    An extra 1,700 police officers were deployed in London, where shops were looted and buildings were set alight.
    Birmingham, Liverpool, Nottingham and Bristol also saw violence.
    The prime minister has returned early from his holiday to discuss the unrest, which first flared on Saturday after a peaceful protest in Tottenham over the fatal shooting of a man by police.
    At least 400 people have been arrested following a wave of "copycat criminal activity" across London over the past three days, the Met Police said. More than 69 people have been charged with various offences.
    Three people are being questioned on suspicion of attempted murder after a police officer was injured by a car in Wembley, north-west London, while trying to stop suspected looters.
    Met Deputy Assistant Commissioner Steven Kavanagh said it was a "shocking and appalling morning for London to wake up to".
    "The Met was stretched beyond belief in a way that it has never experienced before," he told BBC Breakfast.
    When asked at what stage he would consider bringing in the Army, he responded by saying "all options are being considered".
    On Twitter, Scotland Yard said: "In the next 24 hours there will be 13,000 police officers on duty in London."
    In other developments:
    Met commander Christine Jones said the violence was "simply inexcusable"
    Monday's violence started in Hackney after a man was stopped and searched by police but nothing was found.
    Groups of people began attacking the police in Hackney at about 16:20 BST, throwing stones and a bin at officers.
    Police cars were smashed by youths armed with wooden poles and metal bars. Looters also smashed their way into shops before being dispersed by police.
    Nine police forces from other parts of the country have assisted in providing support to the capital city, as well as the City of London Police and British Transport Police.
    However, eyewitnesses have reported that as trouble spread across the city, there were often few police officers around when violence flared

    Like every peaceful march in the UK of late, the idiots who dont work and just want to ruin life come out of the woodwork and destroy life for others, totally innocent peoples lifes are now ruined becuase of mindless thugs who are rampaging for the fun of it and stealing what they can, whos to blame, well its not the goverment or the police, its the parents who in the first place let their kids run about the streets from an early age and grow up to be the swines of the world, as a parent i would come down very hard on my kids, but so many are totally ignorant as to what there kids do out side there houses.

    Its a wake up call for parents of any race in the UK.

  2. #2
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    At this rate the military could get called in. The police need all the help they can get right now. I'm lucky I'm not in an affected area but there's others not far out. There's gonna be a major repair bill for all damage caused by the thieving bastards.

  3. #3
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    im about 3 miles away from the trouble in nottingham, me personally id get the army in, use rubber bullets and water cannons and if necessary impose a curfew on all city streets, be as hardline as possible, ****in arseholes

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