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Thread: Is Ebay A Big Scam and Rip Off Site

  1. #11


    I think anyone who gets scammed on ebay that its thier own fault.

    IF you buy a 360 box... its your own fault for jumping at the BUY IT NOW instaed of reading though.
    IF your gullable enough to belive everythign you see without reading any descriptions.. again its your own fault.
    They are required to put full descriptions.. and those consoles boxes you speak of say int he aiction THIS IS THRE BOX ONLY... but noone reads it.

    If something looks to good to be true ... like a 2gb mem card for $50.. then it is.
    Just have common sense people, and use those reading and detail skills you should have learned in primary school.
    I have gotten countless psp games, mem sticks, movies, consoles... and have only been attempted to be scammed once on a broken Atari lynx, but I out smarted the guy when he told pay pal I never sent it back and I gave them the tracking number.

    just be careful and use your brains people

  2. #12
    DCEmu Regular Nikolaos's Avatar
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    Ebay is both bad and good, you must read the product information very carefully and closely. I Bought a 2gb mem card and recieved it , it wasn't funtional so I sent it back under seller discretion and he told me that when he recieved package nothing was in it. Such a scam... 70$ waisted so easily... also lots of the $#@! you get on ebay is most likely a ripp off.. the product is probably just a cheap $#@!ty remake of the original.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nikolaos
    Ebay is both bad and good, you must read the product information very carefully and closely. I Bought a 2gb mem card and recieved it , it wasn't funtional so I sent it back under seller discretion and he told me that when he recieved package nothing was in it. Such a scam... 70$ waisted so easily... also lots of the $#@! you get on ebay is most likely a ripp off.. the product is probably just a cheap $#@!ty remake of the original.
    who was the seller?

  4. #14


    I've ordered an iPod nano from HongKong address powerseller..
    (it was cheaper then in the few Apple centers here)
    paid via PAyPal..
    they had my money for 2 weeks, then I recieved an email that my PayPal account is not verified, and they didn't even shipped the item..
    PayPal gave back my money..
    (by the way I've used PayPal many times before, never had problem)


    Europe or USA not much better..
    I've ordered an SD card from the UK..
    on the envelope there was a thailand address..

    so you never know..

  5. #15


    My freind was on ebay and payed $300 for a "psp box set" and when it came it was a set of psp boxes!

  6. #16
    DCEmu Pro Man's Avatar
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    I bought an Xbox 360 off ebay, i was nervous, so i drove to the place and picked it up, i was lucky it was only 20 minutes away. Iv bought numerous items off ebay, expensive and in expensive, i bought a pocket bike for 150$ canadian, and it came UPS a week later. The only thing to watch out for are little sites, like, i bought a Ibook, from a seller there, i should have know it was 2 good to be true, i got burned for 350$, and im still working on getting back my money. I payed by money transfer through interact. That was a bad idea, banks in canada are f***ing useless. For a part time student, making 80$ every 2 weeks thats a hole hell of a lot of money, i contacted the ower of the domain and had him take down the advertisement. I was stupid and i payed for it.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cartmandude14
    My freind was on ebay and payed $300 for a "psp box set" and when it came it was a set of psp boxes!
    That sucks for your friend but that is pretty funny!

    I think eBay is better for buyers than it is for sellers. If you are careful what you bid on you can get good deals. For sellers, with all of the fees and the low prices that things sell for, it makes it hard for sellers to make eBay a regular source of extra income and profit.

  8. #18
    DCEmu Regular
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    Quote Originally Posted by doverkiller
    I've ordered an iPod nano from HongKong address powerseller..
    (it was cheaper then in the few Apple centers here)
    paid via PAyPal..
    they had my money for 2 weeks, then I recieved an email that my PayPal account is not verified, and they didn't even shipped the item..
    PayPal gave back my money..
    (by the way I've used PayPal many times before, never had problem)


    Europe or USA not much better..
    I've ordered an SD card from the UK..
    on the envelope there was a thailand address..

    so you never know..

    that the same guy who got me...
    I'm in a paypal dspute right now.

  9. #19
    DCEmu Regular
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    Quote Originally Posted by cartmandude14
    My freind was on ebay and payed $300 for a "psp box set" and when it came it was a set of psp boxes!
    That has to be the worse...
    I never heard of anything that bad before..
    A bunch of empty boxes

  10. #20
    DCEmu Newbie
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    always use paypal and always read the auctions carefully. I only got burned once and it was for $25, which the paypal fraud support gladly refunded. I've purchased inexpensive and expensive things and just that one time is when I got ripped off.

    Everyone is 100% right that says, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    Some scams can get anyone -- even smart people, but 95% of the scams are easy to catch if you think a little.

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