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Thread: The About Me Topic :)

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default The About Me Topic :)

    This will be a topic where we show the world some of our details, who we are etc , try and follow my lead, so we can all know a bit more about each others.

    Name and Where i live etc

    Well i come from Nottingham england, im 32 years old, married with 2 kiddies, Jamie aged 8 and Katie aged 11, i work on a great park called the Arboretum as a gardener, ive been a gardener for 16 years and although the moneys rubbish, i do enjoy my work. I live in a lovely 3 bed semi detached house with a lovely garden(what else do you expect).

    As a gardener we have won the East midlands in bloom title 11 out of 12 years, Britain in Bloom 2 times and also the Europearn Version called Entente Florale 1 time.

    How did i get into the Dreamcast Scene

    Well i brought a Dreamcast back in 2000 i think:P, started going to BooB! and was amazed that this console could run emulators, since then ive worked for every emu site for the Dreamcast, had some good times and some bad times.

    Thoughts about the Scene

    Well i was fed up with the Dreamcast scene for a long while because of either lazy site ops or bad chat rooms/forums so even though i still was a staff member i hardly did a thing, but now i see a scene that is still the best Homebrew scene since the days of the Commodore 64.

    The Dreamcast scene is a strong one but no one site can handle everybody, theres too many clash of personalities for that. Also some sites have had bad press because of having ripped commercial emus on them.

    Why start DCEmu UK

    Ive always wanted to be at a great site that listens to the public and that updates regualry, but also brings in talent and the mainstream to the Dreamcast scene. having looked at the other sites i noticed that nothing was gonna happen unless i gave a massive shock to the scene, that shock would be a site on a fantastic server (thanks Martin, Keith, Passive) a bloody great team with me (LyonHrt,Soully, Captain Skyhawk, Hawq, DrZoidberg, DCDaydreamer, DarkSavoiur69) and some great new newsposters. I know who are the best in the scene and with their help and help from our new Spanish Friends we can ensure the survival of the Dreamcast. THe v2 of the site will be a great moment, when our new look site is opened it will tiddle on this site by a long way and if we can sort the CMS out then we will be able to upload easily

    This site may or may not be the most popular but with the other Dreamcast sites we will make sure that the scene is always on top of new releases, news etc.

    Is the site going to plan ?

    Im happy so far with it, i think we have a great team, although most are itching to go but most of their work is for V2, im really pleased we have made good friends with the Spanish Dreamcast scene , hopefully we can make this place as a worldwide forum for dreamcast coders,fans etc.

    Forums are going good, at the mo not one banned person although i always check and im not frightened to lay the smaketh down :P

    i prefer to turn them in to decent posters than just ban, but im no soft touch

    The future?

    This is been such a success already, im so happy that its all going to plan, i want this to be the most up to date site that supports all Dreamcast happenings and im sure we will do it

    V2 is the future, but obviously we thank all those great coders who donate their time to help us enjoy the Dreamcast.

    Anyway thats the basic idea, if you are a coder can you write down your previous work etc, ( i need new interview subjects but i need toknow what work you have done before)

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular WHurricane16's Avatar
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    Name and Where i live etc

    Will Sams, and I live in Spring Lake, NC. *I work as a cable guy, married for 7 months now (Julie), and one child (Courtney).

    How did i get into the Dreamcast Scene

    Bought a DC, then went looking for warez. *Hey, I'm not ashamed to tell the truth about those days. *This scene has made me realize alot of what I was doing back in those early days was wrong. *Anyhoot, I found Sintendo, Gleem!, and the other DC Emu. *I then joined the DC Emu boards around November of 2000 and I proceeded to piss adnans off and therefore banned the first time from DC Emu. *I later joined the staff, but like most of the old schoolers here I was fed up with the way 007 was doing a few things. *Went on to Consolevision, but that slowly went to pooh over time because in my opinion the site had no direction on which way it wanted to go. *I still feel this way, I hate to be honest about it.

    Thoughts about the Scene

    Was great a couple of years ago. *Could be great once again but I think alot of people's hearts are in the wrong place. *Some don't realize that everything being done is being done for free, but some also feel the need to abuse, rant, and shock people who just want to make the scene grow. *Also, there are alot of fighting and bitching; I fault myself for alot of it. *I think I'm the one single person in this scene who has changed the most, but I can admit it was probably for the worst. :/

    How did you come into programming

    Was something I always wanted to do in high school, but I grew out of it during my first 5 years in the Army. *After a year in the DC scene I was itching to learn C because the thought of seeing my own code run on my favorite console was such a feeling I can't begin to describe. My first C project happened to be a Dreamcast project, Catz N' Dogz. It's a calvacade of hacked code, but I'm proud of it. Those who have actually scene the horrendous code (crt0, Burnero) should have shot me for showing it to them. I still have it, but I'm not going to release it. It's horrendous! LOL

    Why start Storm! Studios

    Wanted a place for others to team up. *We have a great group of people, so I hope they continue to grow as S!S continues to grow.

    The future?

    Misadventures of Crystala & Tido. *I want this to be my mark on my little "career". *I love the ideas and concepts me, Paddy, and James have come up with since last July so I'm hoping everyone else will enjoy it. *It seems like everything is cloudy at the moment but I really want to shed some light on this before the end of the year. *This is why I'm working on the comic but work on it has gone slow (I only have 2 (of 8) pages of it drawn.

    I think my constant inability to keep my opinions to myself has hurt me. *Seems like Storm! Studios doesn't get the respect it probably deserves, but I fault the negative image some may have of me for that. *Wow, I didn't really want to mention it but oh well. *Anyhoot, we have a great group of guys with a good bit of ideas and creativity. I'm happy with S!S, but I'm not happy with my contributions to it. *Hopefully things will pick up on my end evenually, but my main goal in life is my family & job so my projects are on the backburner for now, but I will continue to help and support the other guys.


    -People who don't understand that the scene owes them nothing

  3. #3
    DCEmu Respected souLLy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    Name and Where i live etc

    My name's ben, i'm 20, come from the beautiful capital of england, london. i'm studying multimedia at college whilst doing a selection of menial jobs to pay for it *:-/, i have a beautiful girlfriend and things are generally pretty good right now. I've been staff at all of the big dc sites at different times, and i was the original creator of Boob! covers central. i've kept a lower profile than these gloryhunters wragg and lyon but have been around behind the scenes for a while.
    How did i get into the Dreamcast Scene

    Was checking out vmu animations and saves etc. online, when i came across a little site called dcemulation (then hosted at geocities *:) and saw some of the ace things that could be done on your dreamcast... gleam, sintendo etc. and was hooked, it was a while before i could actually burn anything but eventually got gleam to burn... beautiful stuff.
    Thoughts about the Scene

    from the scene's dubious beginnings, people who have been around any length of time will know all about this, i think the scene is in a much better place now. there's not so much of this "ive made a 1337 n64 emu for dc, which i was gonna release but someone said it was fake so im not going to now" and some of what is being done on the console is incredible, just look at feet of fury.

    Why join DCEmu UK

    well i'd had in my mind the ideas of a great dc site for a long time, and not just another dcemulation or consolevision, something far more ambitious than that, so when i saw wragg was working on this site and lyon was onboard i thought i'd see if they needed a hand, and my ideas for a dc site becam merged with the vision over at DCEmuUK. me and lyon have been slaving away at v2 of the site and im confident that it will be the highest quality dreamcast site by some way. i've heard some of the criticisms aimed at the site already (just another dcemulation clone) but just wait and see, i can chat all day about how great i think it will be but you can decide yourself soon enough.

    Is the site going to plan ?

    yeah it's looking very pretty, the main page design is almost done (i still need to do a bit more work) and the new forum is starting to come together thanks to some excellent work on lyon's part. it's a lot of work ahead of us but it does seem like we have a good team with a good vision

    The future?

    You'll see... and if you think version 2 looks good wait til you see version 3... *:

  4. #4
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    I'm not sure if this topic goes only for the admins, but I would like to introduce myself, as I've never done it.

    Name and Where i live etc

    My name is Jon, I live in Getxo, a small village resting in front of the Sea. Getxo is in the Basque Country, a small but very active region in the northest part of Spain. Spain is quite heterogeneous, and the some parts differ so much from others, giving the whole country a strange but rich flavour. I'm so happy with this land, full of forests and mountains, and don't feel like moving anymore (I've moved from one place to another 3 times for now... enough moving!)

    I'm a Computer Engineer and I'm doing a doctorate degree as a Biochemistry. Now I'm working as a researcher with a grant from the basque government (I'm so grateful...).

    How did i get into the Dreamcast Scene

    Well, I was buggin' a friend of mine about the PS2... and some day he told me that I was doing a baaaad thing willing to buy that console. He also told me that he owns a Dreamcast, and that DC is much better and funnier than every console on the earth... well, that was a bit exagerate from him, but I finally got convinced when he told me that there was a DC homebrew development kit available for download. That was a great finishing move. Fatality! I bought the DC with Star Wars Racer (a baaaad movement) and I was amazed that I bought a new console just to play the same version I had on Playstation... and at 50Hz!!!! Well, that first impression was replaced by a more favorable one once I played Crazy Taxi and Soul Calibur, and even Shenmue...

    I started like almost anyone: Searching for games and warez. That led to some research, because the copies not always worked, and I wanted to know... Later, I visited searching for clues about the WinCE screen resolution management, and got no real answer about it (well, that's a hard topic!).

    And some day, everything changed: I found a online shop that used to sell PAL Dreamcast titles and hardware at very low prices, and started my now HUGE Dreamcast collection. I've destroyed or gave away every illegal copy I owned, leaving only for myself the so knowns as "backups". I'm a bit ashamed of my first days, but I'm so proud of what I own today that I don't care about it.

    Later, I started to think on what moved me to buy the Dreamcast: The ability to program the machine. Then, I started to work with it, and now I'm developing a complex molecular tridimensional structure viewer using KGL, and it runs fine

    As I seen that a whole bunch of people demanded a standarized development environment, I started to build my DCFreeDev kit, which will see the light in english very soon, with some improvements and GP32 support.

    I'm also involved on some cutting edge projects in DC and GP32, and also cross platform ones... working with Mekanaizer, Chui, Ron, Pablo, etc...

    Thoughts about the Scene

    Well, this is a nice question

    I think the DC scene wants some heroes... that always post in the forums, share documentation, be at public events, release smash hit software and be perfect ;D

    This can only be achieved by some, as Ian Micheal (which is for me a true scene hero, active and always present and open to new ideas), but the whole set of coders cannot be so perfect. So, I demand a bit of understanding, and, as Will said, grabbing the idea that the coders owe them nothing.

    Also, I would like to say that I'm quite disappointed by some movements, specially those made by lik-sang (with the BBA issue) and dreamcast-scene, which hardly represents the scene (an always moving scene, and an always static site, that disappoints me). I don't even agree with the new name dreamcast-petition chose, but that's an strategic decission only time will judge.

    Why join DCEmu UK

    Nice project, nice looking, always moving, open ideas, active webmasters, and... yeah, I wasn't that comfortable in Maybe it's caused by the different life style, or accomodation... caused by the excess of power? Or even the whole bunch of people demanding this or that... don't know, and don't wanna know. But I'll continue supporting (if I can...) that great site. Don't wanna disturb them as I'm happy here.

    Is the site going to plan ?


    The future?

    As I'm inminently finishing my "commercial" programming for the Dreamcast (remember, my project as a doctorate degree) I'll start to contribute to the scene with lots of ideas and projects, and even some surprises.

    There's a new future we're now modelling, and we *need* to work it out together.

    Thanks for reading,


  5. #5
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    Thanks Guys

    This isnt just for Admins or Staff but just an introduce of sorts to the scene and basically you ask yourself the questions

    Unique but interesting

  6. #6
    DCHelp Admin curt_grymala's Avatar
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    Name and Where i live etc

    My full name is Curtiss Andrew Grymala, and I am currently living in West Virginia. I am 25 years old, and have a beautiful wife and three amazing kids. Two of them are 8 year old twins (Taylor - girl and Tyler - boy). They are my step-children, but I love them as my own. The third kid is a 6-month old little girl named Alexis. I work for a soil scientist, inspecting septic systems (I look at $#@! for a living), doing miscellaneous computer work, performing percolation tests, etc. I have been working with this company since I was a sophomore in high school. I attended college full-time for three and a half years, and finally gave up after I started flunking out my last semester (I was involved in too many extracurricular activities, such as the college radio station, being a Resident Assistant, etc.). I never graduated, but maybe I will some day (I only have about 25 more credits to finish).

    How did i get into the Dreamcast Scene

    I have been a huge fan of Sega for about ten or fifteen years. As soon as I heard that Sega was releasing a new console (the Dreamcast), I rushed right out to Software Etc. (now known as GameStop) and put one on pre-order. It was the first (and pretty much only) game system I ever bought when it was new.
    It was about 4 years later before I discovered the "Dreamcast Scene". A friend of mine mentioned that I could play arcade games on my DC, and I started searching for information. I happened upon DCEmulation, and began the laborious process of trying to figure out how to burn the discs. After creating quite a few coasters trying to burn with EasyCDCreator, I finally figured out the correct way to do it. I then discovered demomenu, and subsequently Selfboot Inducer, and I was hooked for life. Then, I started trying out the homebrew games, and I was in heaven.

    Thoughts about the Scene

    The Dreamcast Scene is incredibly unique. It is unlike any scene with which I have ever been involved. The people come from all over the world, and come from all walks of life. The only thing that we all have in common is our love for the DC. It is truly amazing that there is so much passion, and so much talent in this scene. I am so impressed with every release I see, and I am inspired every time I see a new person join the fold, and figure out how to burn new things.

    Why Join DCEmu UK

    Honestly, I joined DCEmu UK because Wraggster checked out DCStuff and emailed me some questions. I helped him out, and we started having a running conversation, discussing the future of DCEmu UK and DCStuff. We decided that it would be beneficial to both of us if we were to offer support to each other, and I joined the DCEmu UK forums. Since then, I have found a lot of interesting information on this site, and I enjoy the atmosphere here.

    Why Start DCStuff

    I originally started DCStuff because I needed a place to host the SBI archives I put together until they could be uploaded to Sbiffy! I then started delving into the world of creating SBT's, and needed a place to put them. After that, I started to realize that there were some large areas that needed to be covered by tutorials, and I started putting some of those together.
    Finally, I realized that no amount of tutorials could solve some of the problems people were having. I figured out that the best way to help a lot of people would be to start putting together new helper apps; more specialized ones. So, I got together with fackue and 138, and we decided to form a team of "helper app developers". We invited burnerO to join, but he is going to busy with the new Selfboot Inducer, so he decided to join as a consultant, rather than a full-member of the DCStuff Team.
    I created new forums so that we could discuss the various projects we had in mind, and so that people would have a new, friendly place to chat about just about anything, and keep themselves abreast of the DC scene. I began re-working the web site, on which I am still working. Soon, DCStuff will unveil the new site, along with a new helper app, and some other good news.
    We will become the newbie's best friend, and be the one-stop shop for anything related to tutorials or helper apps. We will continue to temporarily host SBI's and SBT's, but will not host any new emus/apps/demos/games. People can come here for those things.
    Keep in mind, though, that a lot of the planning behind the new DCStuff was going on at the same time that DCEmu UK was being planned, so we did not know DCEmu UK was going to exist until we had already started planning the new DCStuff.

    Is the site going to plan?

    I don't honestly know for sure what the plan behind DCEmu UK is, but I do know that I am impressed with the direction it is taking.
    DCStuff is going according to plan, but it is moving along that plan a little slower than I had hoped. Soon, though, it will be on track and up and running.

    The future?

    Ideally, in the future, the DC sites will begin to work together better, and we will each have our own specialty. We will work as a network of sites, keeping track of new information and reporting it appropriately.
    I do see DCStuff and DCEmu UK working very closely together in the future, and the two sites being a very nice network for information. I see the two sites working together, rather than competing, and helping to nurture a new era of Dreamcast development.
    DCHelp - A Newbie's Best Friend
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  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie blackpuma's Avatar
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    Name - Location

    Hi u all, I live in Greece (Skidra near Thessaloniki), I'm 17 and going to highschool! All this year i'm getting prepared for the final exams, very important with our edu system (f**kin $#@!)...
    Listening to metal-hardcore-punk-thrash music, and begginer in electric guitar playing.
    I got my proficiency in English at my 15, although my syntax isn't good

    How did I get into the Dreamcast Scene

    Well, I'm a newbie Its funny, I was talking with a friend of mine about 4 months ago about bying a new colsole but the new ones are a bit expensive! So he came to SEGA and Dreamcast, but the problem was finding one!! So after a big search I found a used system and started downloading games from the net.
    One day searching the web I fell to a link to dcemulation, and was a matter of time to get to all the affiliates and!
    By now I have a collection of 30 games, I have bunt and tried almost every software, emus ect (but I have a prob selfbooting elf files)
    Quickly became a Virtua Striker fan (my best goal 511!!! have the replay on vmu but cant upload) and... roms collector :/

    Thoughts about the Scene

    The scene seems very promising! Although new here I watched the birth of the great NeoGeo CD project!
    I must say that there is a very friendly atmosphere, and all the tutorials, how-tos, readmes, posts were very helping to me.

    Why Join DCEmu UK

    Because without joining I couldn't post this!!

    Favorite Games/Emus

    Virtua Striker 2 (my best goal 511!!! have the replay on vmu but cant upload)
    Soul Calibur
    Virtua Tennis 2K2
    NeoCD SDL (metal slug)
    Sega Rally
    SMS Plus DC (sonic, asterix)
    Crazy Taxi 1,2
    NBA hoopz
    Nester DC (bomberman, kirby)
    (Sonic Adventure must be great bu dont heve'em yet)
    Prince of Persia
    Ikaruga (dificult game)

    can't think of others now (suggest games to me please)

    The future?

    I hope the future to bring more good stuff to the scene....
    For now, I have to study for my exams, become a programmer and release a full free non-commercial great geme fo DC!!! (dreams...)

  8. #8
    DCEmu Pro Hawq's Avatar
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    Name &amp; location of nest

    Name, name... I had it round here somewhere, it'll come back to me, I nest in the birthplace of Bentleys (note any Rolls Royce that werent built here be wary of, ok?) Crewe an industrial town where the councill seems determined to knock down almost every building from our past and put up flats to house an invading wave of students (how nice &gt; at least the ones next door aint as bad as previous ones at the moment). Ah yes Paul that was it, knew it'd come back to me, currently 27 and feeling 5000 courtesy of my nieces &amp; nephews (best thing about kids in this way, you can give em back at the end of the day ) eldest hits 21 this year now that really makes me feel old. Unemployed due to depression and difficulties dealing with people in the real world but hopefull that either I'll learn to tolerate em more or continue to be left alone if I cant.

    How'd I get into the scene

    I'm in it?, looks around 'hmm staff at dc related sites, got a DC used for emulation, guess I am' but seriously it was around a year roughly after the UK launch and I came across a second hand Jap DC going cheaply as I had some spare cash at the time I bought it, turned out to be one of my better impulse buys, though Sega Rally 2 as the first game wasnt as good as if I'd grabbed Soul Calibur (fantastic with the fishing rod). My DC was mainly just a regular (albiet chipped for imports &amp; UK stuff, it was an asian one) platform for quite a while then whilst browsing around I found dcemu and suddenly I didnt need my PC to play those old classics anymore &amp; even better I could have em on my telly

    Thoughts about the scene

    Well we've had some rough times and I doubt we'll ever be rid of people confusing emulators with warez and asking where to go for '1337 is0'z' but things are good, Neo CD emulation has arrived allowing the previously impossible Metal Slug 1 &amp; 2 to be run with luck the cd reading code from this may lead to pcsxdc reading actual psx discs rather than needing images (ok my xbox takes the emulation strain these days but the DC has come out of semi retirement for the Neo CD stuff lately.
    Looking further ahead I predict on the plus side faster Neo CD emulation with better compatibility, possible Sega CD emulation if we're lucky (&amp; if the DC can handle it decently) and PSX emulation at a playable speed (no offense to those working on it)

    Why am I here?

    Why are any of us here? are we even here at all? well those two are a bit too deep for this so I'll focus on what brung me to this particular place as I should do.
    I'm here because I saw it mentioned over at dcemu and wandered on over to check it out, Wraggster then ensnared me with the net of staff (a +10 artifact, very hard to escape) shortly after and seeing the lack of those that can make other boards hellish at times, &amp; after a small bribe of a chocolate bar, I calmed and was let out of the net to soar among you hopefully I'll prove usefull

    Why am I not a developer/coder?

    Well my coding ability amounts to basic stuff, literally basic all I can clearly remember is
    10 print &quot; rocks&quot;
    20 goto 10
    I may recall how to add colour but it was many years ago, funny to make the Speccys in shops scroll obscene messgaes though and panic the staff as for anything else I had a pop at compiling my own mame last year but it seems something may have gone wrong when setting up the enviroment for it as it always failed, oddly in a way that completely baffled both ice88 and reaper (as he was then) so I gave up on it. If an easy to use editor for game making appears then you may one day see something from my mighty (lack of) imagination, I'd do a bor mod but my artistic talent is roughly equal to that of a brick :-[

  9. #9
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    I think ill just join in.... *8)

    Name and Where i live etc

    I live in Hastings England and I am 15 Years old. My name is Tom and I am about to start my GCSE exams. I am in love with my games consel the xbox and enjoy making websites and chating on brilliant forums like this one.

    Thoughts about the Scene

    Well I think emulation scene is brilliant and can think of know other place better to get information and updates about it than I enjoy the forums and website and hope it all goes well *

    [glow=red,2,300]- Tom [xboxlord][/glow]

  10. #10
    DCHelp Admin curt_grymala's Avatar
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    Hey Hawq - Your comment about your programming skills reminded me of a sign on saw on Futurama once:

    10 Home
    20 Sweet
    30 Goto 10
    Anyways - I know how you feel about programming. I am trying to learn, but it is a very arduous and slow process. I'll get it one of these days, if I don't die first. Damn, why can't we all go back to programming in LOGO, and forget about all these complicated languages.
    DCHelp - A Newbie's Best Friend
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    I Refuse To Help Anyone That Says They've Tried Everything.

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