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Thread: Tutorial - How To Make Your Nintendo Wifi USB Connector A SoftAP

  1. #81
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dash Krimson View Post
    You probably already know this, and I'm not so much replying to you as telling other n00bz how to do it, but that's a big, fat :thumbup:, good buddy. Here's my setup, and how I got it to work;

    1x PC running Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2
    1x USB ADSL modem set to auto-obtain IP address (I'm sure DSL/Cable modems via USB will work too)
    1x NIC, IP
    1x Xbox 360, connected to NIC via crossover ethernet cable
    1x Playstation 3, same (though not at the same time as the Xbox 360, and vice versa)
    1x Nintendo DS Lite
    and, of course, 1x Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector

    Firstly, complete the installation process as detailed in the OP. Now, after you've finished, and are testing your DS's connection with a NWFC-enabled game, you may find that your DS won't connect, and will give you an error code - 52100, I think. This happened to me too, and it's because ICS can only work for one type of connection - in my case, I had it connecting to my local area connection (LAC from now on), so it wouldn't share with my new wireless connection.

    The solution to this problem was to open Network Connections in Control Panel, select both the LAC and the wireless connection, and bridge the connections together. This makes both connections use the same private IP, in my case, From there, I opened the wireless settings dialog, clicked on config, went to the Soft AP tab, drag-n-dropped the LAC from the "Available Network Connections" window to the "Home Network" window, and then clicked Apply. After a few seconds, the setting was applied, and I clicked OK to exit the settings dialog. I then tested all the machines' connections to the Internet, and all turned out OK. I then tried connecting with both my DS (wireless) and my 360 (wired), and both connections worked without a hitch - SUCCESS!!!

    Now, I'm wondering if I can get my 60gig PS3 to connect to the wi-fi dongle, whether on its own or together with the DS (I have a feeling that doing that with the 360 would present no problems, as long as all the private IPs were different, as they should be) - hell, maybe it'd work with all three together (DS & PS3 wireless, 360 wired)! I guess I'll try that out later...'cos right now, I need to sleep...zzzzzzzzzz...
    Legend! I got this working when I first asked, but had since reformatted, and hadn't set it back up. Going to set it up in the morning, and this will be of much help for me.


    Edit: Just one thing, have you managed to make two things connect at the same time? For example, I have a second computer connected, which when turned on, the DS can't connect, I turn the second computer off, and the DS connects fine.
    I'd like both connected at the same time.

  2. #82
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i cant see the steps :S

  3. #83


    HELP !!!! im trying to connect my ps3 using the wifi adapter and the setup and everything has gone fine the ip adresses are really confusing me and i need help please

  4. #84
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I tried getting this to work most of the afternoon, to no avail.

    But trying again after leaving it alone for a while (and trying different methods, such as bridging my LAC and the Wireless connection created by the USB connector), it works now.

    Thanks for the tut!

  5. #85


    This may be a stupid question but first I gotta say this was a great tutorial I got it working and in turn fixed the internet on my wii (It wasn't working with the official connector stuff)

    But when installing this it cut off my firewall which I noticed did the same thing in the tutorial video, How can I fix this?

    EDIT-It was a stupid question sorry haha, After experimenting I fixed it so simple

    Now know it just does it automatically because it doesn't work otherwise once again great tutorial thanks

  6. #86
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I need some help.

    1. Is this not suppose provide internet to devices like the labtop and I cannot connect to it. It just not seeing it. It was seeing it but before it saying it was not connecting to the network.

    2. What is the MAC address?

    3. It is working but when I watch the status of the network it saying that the packets #:

    Sent: 896
    Receive: 0

    But I will try to reinstall everything.

    Please help


  7. #87
    DCEmu Old Pro cal360's Avatar
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    Nice tutorial I might give this a try.

  8. #88


    what u mean by removing the drivers ?? uninstaling it ?? and liek there is nothing that allows me to intall stuff in the rar driver folder .... wtf am i doing roung plz help

  9. #89
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Anyone managed to connect there PS3 to the Nintendo adapter after doing this?

    If so, how?

  10. #90
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default stuck

    ok im stuck i have drag my network into the box atop from enableICS and i unclick it when i apply it said it something about (please add my local network and wireless network to network bridge and junk

    after i did that allow other network crap and junk i click apply on the ASU and it still pop that please ADD network crap also everything i check the ASU card setting thing and go to the soft ap tab the ENABLE ICS AND THE BOX IS CHECKED eveytime i check it and it happeneds everytime the pop and the check box so for some reason i cant seem to get it to work

    i wonna get it working so i am able to play my psp online using XLINK if you'll able to able to setup the nintendo wi-fi to work with psp and to be able to play on xlink please do tell

    p.s if you need more information please ask as i am waiting for a response

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