The "Season Pass" became fashionable after the "Rockstar pass" LA Noire is the turn of Gears of War 3! Season Pass? Kesako? Subject Mspoints 2400 (€ 30) you can get the first four DLCs of the game at a discount of 33%. If you do not pass the first 4 Season DLC will cost approximately 3600MSpoint either (~ € 45).

In summary if you decide to buy all the DLC for the game that you do not know in advance, either in content or quality, Take Season Pass to benefit from the reduction of 33% and have the weapon "liquid metal "as a gift (see picture above)
the Pass will be available September 20, the content will be released in November. Pass Without the DLC you pay one by one, at full price. Thurs 45 € 70 € = DLC is € 115 for the standard edition of the game with the first 4 DLC. The DLC is an extension of: single-player campaign, multiplayer and Horde. Gx-Mod Epic Games.