
N64 emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
Core Changes & Fixes
- try out some changes to timer event codes
- fix Banjo-Tooie(U) random intro cutscene hang
- fix Body Harvest intro / in-game hang (no need to use RAW input)
- fix a regression bug in ListView column items from an earlier BoxArt fix
- enhance ListView Column checks using status info from ini
- enhance GameName column detection using status info from ini
- enhance emu window placement and sizing stability and robustness
- fix "out of focus" romlist selection mark for the following :
- close ROM
- exit the emu
- "Plugins" dialog box
- "Folders" dialog box
- "Window" dialog box
- "RomInfo" dialog box
- switch to BoxArt window
- "Cheat Codes" dialog box
- specific plugin dialog box
- "Rom Browser" dialog box
- "About 1964mod" dialog box
- "ROM Properties" dialog box
- "About Warranty" dialog box
- refresh (Ctrl-L) romlist or BoxArt window
Other Changes & Fixes
- fix wrong statusbar msg for rom loaded when same internal name for different roms are loaded in succession e.g. Perfect Dark
- game ini tweaking for V/Is max speed using "Delay DMA, SI and AI" or "Delay DMA and AI" as default
- remove Hacktarux Banjo-Tooie hack for N64 Boot
- fix game ini setting for Beetle Adventure Racing(E) for
in-game hang when car crash into another object with force e.g. car, house etc.
News source: