MCV laughed at the idea just last month, but if there’s one thing you know about Nintendo it’s that you never know what it will do next.
Scans of the latest issue of weekly Japanese games magazine Famitsu reveal that the rumoured second analogue stick add-on for 3DS is in fact very real.
The device, pictured, effectively cradles the entire unit and adds a second analogue control stick on the far right of the device. It also adds some quite substantial bulk to the unit.
Andrasang reports that it is called the ‘Expansion Slide Pad’. The second stick is actually smaller than the one already found on the unit.
Compatibility with Capcom’s Monster Hunter 3G has been confirmed, though it remains unclear whether the peripheral has been designed specifically for the popular action RPG series.
Monster Hunter supervisor Ryozo Tsujimoto says that the device “provides a good grip on the system”, describing it as “a secret weapon" which will allow you to play the game with the same feeling as playing Monster Hunter 3 on Wii”.