The lawsuit filled by Infinity Ward co-founders Jason West and Vince Zampella against Call of Duty publisher Activision has been given an official trial date of May 7.

The former Infinity Ward bosses are suing their ex-employer for alleged unfair dismissal. The pair claim their contracts were terminated weeks before substantial Modern Warfare 2 royalty payments were due to be made.

As well as damages, West and Zampella are seeking annulment of their Activision contract, which could amazingly see them part-owning the Modern Warfare brand along with rights to make new games in the series.

Activision is counter-suing the developers, claiming that they had been secretly negotiating a deal with EA during their days at Infinity Ward. The pair have since formed new studio Respawn Entertainment and agreed a publishing deal with EA.

38 current and former Infinity Ward employees are also suing Activision over alleged unpaid bonuses and royalties for Modern Warfare 2, and their complaint has been consolidated with West's, Zampella's and EA's case against Activision.

"I'm really looking forward to having our day in Court," Zampella told Forbes.