From Software's Dark Souls is the new number one in the Japanese all-formats chart, selling almost 280,000 copies in its first week on sale.
The punishing RPG outsold its nearest competitor, PS3's Ico & Shadow Of The Colossus HD Collection, by more than three copies to one.
Epic Games' Gears Of War 3 enters the chart at number 4, with over 56,000 units sold, while 3DS breast-fest Senran Kaguradebuts in sixth. Last week's number one, Dragon Quest Collection, slips to fifth, and Shadows Of The Damned, the Mikami/Suda collaboration released in the west in June, debuts in a lowly 18th place.
01. Dark Souls (From Software)
02. Ico & Shadow Of The Colossus HD Collection (Sony)
03. Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Tag Force 6 (Konami)
04. Gears Of War 3 (Microsoft)
05. Dragon Quest Collection (Square Enix)
06. Senran Kagura (MMV)
07. Busou Shinki Battle Masters Mk 2 (Konami)
08. ToHeart2 DX Plus (Aqua Plus)
09. Tales Of Xillia (Namco Bandai)
10. Champion Jockey Gallop Racer & G1 Jockey (Tecmo Koei)