Flagship Studios has opened the gates of hell and spewing forth from the portal are new screenshots from the developer's action-RPG, Hellgate: London. We recognise - just about, - the British Museum in one of the pics and, as far as we're aware, this is the first time we've seen one of London's famous locations as depicted in the game.

For anyone recently emerging from under a rock, Hellgate: London combines FPS and RPG gameplay and thrusts players into a Big Smoke under attack from demonic hordes. The phrase "infinite replayability" is being attached to the title, with the promise of dynamically generated levels (although famous locations will remain static, as it were) items, enemies and events - so a bit like Diablo. You play a hi-tech Templar Knight character who, as well being a wielder of magic, is additionally kitted out with hefty firepower, armour and plenty of skills to battle Hell's forces.

Accompanying the new screenshots that we've uploaded here is brief word on weapons and devices you'll be employing - only names have been provided, but we can make an educated guess at what the Beetlebore and Electric Eel Launcher are all about.

Apparently, there'll be "dozens" of new Templar shields and swords to get hands on too and we've even been provided with brief descriptions of a couple of the skills characters will get as they progress through the game: Templar Shield Bash damages and stuns enemies; Cabalist Transformation allows you to metamorph into a Zombie and raise an army of undead to serve in the battle for man's survival.

That's your lot for now, but no doubt we'll have more on Hellgate: London soon.

Screens Here