Business Week explores what could be an industry altering effect if Wii delivers on motion-sensing innovation and non-gamer adoption optimism. In addition to a general comparison to both Sony's PS3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360, the piece discusses Wii's alternative appeal, recent success of the DS, and how investors like Nintendo's chances. From the article:

"[Nintendo's] stock is up 74% since April, and its quarterly results released in July were robust thanks to the DS ... It's definitely going to be a World of Warcraft moment in the game-console market when the Wii, PS3, and Xbox are all competing for consumers' hearts and dollars, euros, or yen. A particularly strong showing by Nintendo may signal that reaching new gamers is more about ease of use than processor muscle and high-end graphics. If so, the Wii could be a game changer."

Assuming Nintendo can translate hard-core, casual, and non-gamer success of the DS to Wii, will Nintendo have the console hit they're hoping for? Or will it take more than a consolized DS for Wii to meet Nintendo's expectations?