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Thread: Will You Ever Out Grow Video Games?

  1. #61
    DCEmu Old Pro SnesR0X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunntims0103 View Post
    Once Bleach heat the soul 4 (PSP) comes out. Ill be fully devoted to playing that game and you probally won't see me post for a while.
    When does it come out? (I have 1+ 3)

  2. #62
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunntims0103 View Post
    Once Bleach heat the soul 4 (PSP) comes out. Ill be fully devoted to playing that game and you probally won't see me post for a while.

    hopefully! (joke) lol

  3. #63
    DCEmu Pro The King's Avatar
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    il bever grow out of video games its one of my life passions lol

  4. #64
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The King View Post
    il bever grow out of video games its one of my life passions lol
    nope, you probably bever will! :rofl:

  5. #65
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    Grow out of games? That's blasphemy! How could such a question even be asked?!

    No, seriously though - as good as games get, I remember when I was a kid playing on my wood-effect Atari console, before I ever got my hands on a Commodore 16, and dreaming of the amazing games I could expect in the future. The Matrix, Star Trek Holo-decks, Red Dwarf TIV games, all as nothing compared to the possibilities conceived-of by my infant brain.

    Now, with the way games technology has almost lived up to expectations in such a short time-frame, those possibilities are closer than ever!

    I'll give up gaming when I'm bored of dreaming. :P

  6. #66
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    No way, I've been a gamer since I was 4, and I'll be a gamer forever

  7. #67
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Smile Oh wow, it's the VampDude life story in VideoGames

    Quote Originally Posted by Bradman View Post
    No way, I've been a gamer since I was 4, and I'll be a gamer forever
    and how long ago was you 4?

    I've been playing VideoGames for a good part of 20years, the first thing I can remember playing was a silver coloured pong thingy on a 14" tv, then some game on a ZX Spectrum 2, then I had the world of Atari 2600 which was short lived by me getting a NES when I was 5 which when I was 8 I got a GameBoy and a MegaDrive and when I was 9 I got a SNES, when I was 12 I got a Sega Saturn when I was 13 I got a GameBoyPOCKET+Camera&Printer, when I was 14 I got a N64, when Iwas 15 I stopped hating the PSone so much and traded just about everything (megadrive,saturn,snes,gameboyPOCKET/CAM/PRINTER, and loads've games) for a brandnew "DualShock" PSone with a 1mb SONYmemcard Spyro Tekken3 TombRaider3and GTA, when I was 16 I got a GameBoyCOLOR to play Pokémon (as sad as that sounds) when I was 17 I recieved my first DreamCast for my birthday, I got a PS2 on launch day, when I was 18 I got a GameCube, when I was 19 I found a WonderSwan whilst in America so I bought it, I also bought a GameboyAdvanceSP at the same time (to play YuGiOh), when I was 20 my GameCube died so I played PS2 instead but that died too so I bought a slimlinePS2, I bought another GmeCube when I was 21, I bought 2 PSP's when I was 22 plus a 2nd DreamCast, I got an Xbox360 for my 23rd birthday but didn't want it cause it wasn't a Premium pack Xbox360 which little less than 2 months later I got a Wii (well 2 cause I sold one on ebay)...

    ...Wow that's my story, which I am sure there is some stuff that is missing but this is all I can remember in a span of tying this in less than 15 mins which now my brain is on the blink!

  8. #68
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    Wow - that's some list.

    In my case, my parents weren't particularly well-off, so my gaming history is sporadic.

    I had an Atari VCS (a 2600 before they were called "2600"s)... or should I say, my dad had one when I was yay-high to something not very tall. He sat up for a couple of days once, just to see what happened when you maxed-out the level counter on PacMan.

    It resets to zero, by the way. He was very disappointed.

    Can't be bothered trying to remember the chronology, but my history took a twist with a cast-off C16, and I reprogrammed the very BASIC 'Mr. Puniverse' so I could shortcut through a radioactive room and complete the game. I then had an Atari 520STFM, which further tickled my geeky-bone. I moved on up to the heady heights of a super-fast 16MHz (25MHz with the turbo button down) Octek 386 mainboard, custom-built PC... but I never did get around to installing a sound card.

    At one time or another, I had both a Sega Megadrive and a Playstation (pre-dual-shock), and during a long, penniless stay in Ireland, my old, decrepit 386 died a noisy death - the hard-drive's heads fused to the disk one day, tore away from their armatures, and made a lovely crunching noise as they were spun into a thousand little, burned-out pieces inside the drive unit.

    The Playstation (now dual-shockified) saw me through some miserable times until my return to London, whereupon I embarked on a new project. The PC I built back in 2001 is the one I'm using right now... though there is little of the original hardware installe din it any more; mainboard, CPU, RAM, hard drive, and graphics card have all been replaced in the last half a decade, such is the pace of evolution in PCs.

    This Christmas gone, I purchased a PS2 for my old man. My dad has now completed Resident Evil 4's various modes (including Pro) several times, and complains that other games just don't match-up to it. I think he'll probably go in for another blast on it when he gets bored of his latest purchases.

    I can't play on the PS2 for long without getting extremely frustrated with the joypad's severe limitations as compared to my trusty high-res optical mouse and keyboard (supplemented by a Thrustmaster DualPower for the odd racing game), but it keeps my dad happy for hours on end.

    I never did learn much more about coding. I realised in time that I hadn't the skill or patience to code anything half as well as it had already been done a thousand times. Nowadays, my fast-aging PC gets treated more like a games console that just happens to be good at other things too.

    Strange how things work out.

  9. #69
    DCEmu Newbie dhraad's Avatar
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    I dont think I'll ever grow out of video games. I'll probably slow down my playing time in a few years (i'm 25), but I dont think that quitting and not playing again is something I have in me.

    And I've been free of Magic the Gathering for 2 years! Tried to quit a couple of times before and got pulled back in. At least video games didnt form horrible money costing withdrawls like Magic, since I have an extensive library of games!

  10. #70
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhraad View Post
    At least video games didnt form horrible money costing withdrawls like Magic, since I have an extensive library of games!
    Cool, I have an extended games library. I have a collection here (at my parents house), and a collection at my grandparents house...

    ...Thou I miss my collection at my grandparents house, and I've started re-buying games I already have on the Sega Saturn the Dreamcast and a few games on the Wii's Virtual Console.

    I'm addicted to videogames! (both new and old)

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