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Thread: my super duper really fantabulously big post on my opinon of things!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Pro mesosade's Avatar
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    Default my super duper really fantabulously big post on my opinon of things!

    so...this community is thriving...kicks ass and the homebrew scene of psp has been so very active past few months...but i'm thinking...the future? argh it's gonna be ard' with the psp2 (apparentyl) realeased sometime in a year or two with more homebrew and stuff but i feel this is getting so widespread! i just hope for the love of god sony don't start getting extremely adamant with our fun and start working on ultimate security. I mean we've all heard the stories of sites that get closed down quite simply a breakthrough like devhook? i feel homebrew is only so big right now because other game companys have hit a brick wall. which brings me to my main point...what exactly is the next step?

    more graphics? blegh more POWER uh huh how about really absorbing innovation,story and originality...thus sony board leaders looking at you like a total ps-donkey. i mean yes there is nintendo with thier ummm magic wand. But I'm actually a bit lost on what to look forward to if all i do is go 'back' and relive games that made me rethink with the way at how i looked at games. when will there ever be game such as MGS or other fine examples (plz dn't ask me to list them all ) but mostle MGS of course

    the only think u can look forward to our sequels and games already in a dam genre that's favoured by morons (GTA san-andreas anyone?) free-roaming? that game? nooooo. Just Cause? yeah that was quite a cool demo. how about a sonic game where it's just you running really fast in free-roaming 3d remakes of sonic 1 levels just you not any other goddam rat-human-hedgething hybrid. that could be a bit more original than releasing a whole brand of (shudders) sonic sports... I have not really played anything that made me think i'm gonna play this game just so i can relive that bit again...and again...and again.

    Because if i ever fork out 43 quid for some goddam 'next-gen' game that is a sequel on a older console with 'prettier' colours i think i might just sell everything new i own grab a coding book and write my own emulator (DO NOT TAKE SERIOUSLY I AM A CODE KIDDIE) fifa...06,07,878?? NO how about take time to work o one game called FIFA just FIFA and not a number in sight. simply updated by online usage and rework the whole transfer teams so you can keep up with the current football without forking out another minimum of 30 quid. THIS is the wall. the wall of stop! we more of what you already have! and we make money to generate more cheap cash-ins!

    yeah i love some sequels everyone always will but if we don't see a new hero or genre soon every game there will soon have a big FAT 10 to grace the games here we are...gamers at least that's how i see it there's ppl who do it sometimes as leisures than those with it as lifestyles. and of coursw if there's summit wrong with video games it's gonna effect the way i'll be with video games or rather we'll be so long live live homebrew and yet but ppl need to remember live even longer for games that bring new experiences and briliantness to the industry. so stop thinking about money and give us something we all should get! There was once a time where anyone could make a game with credits strecthing of 3 people. but we played em' and we sure as ell' loved em so make use of what we can do today and make one hell of a kickass game!

    whoa...ummm i'm slightly opiniated at this moment of time. umm yeah well you know thats how i feel and it also killed 15 mins of time...and my dinner

    EDIT: Holy hell!!!! my post is this big!?!??!?!

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie Rayek's Avatar
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    I dig everything you just said... I'm not looking forward to the next generation of gaming simply because Sony and Microsoft are the leaders in the pack. Big corporations with alterior motives just getting into this multi-billion dollar industry to get their hands wet. They don't know what's 'best for us' gamers. That's why I'll always love Sega

  3. #3
    DCEmu Old Pro The Hombrew Hunter's Avatar
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    You really have no life, eh?

    AAAH, just kidding.

    In all trueness, I didn't read a single word in that post.

    Duper and fantabulously aren't real words.

    Must I say it?

    *dissappears in a cloud of smoke*

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie Rayek's Avatar
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    I wrote one huge 'book' on the topic here:
    Only had one dissenting voice.

    This actually reall bugs me, personally.

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