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Thread: First time coder

  1. #1

    psp First time coder

    ok i downloaded cygwin and everything that im supposed to do...if anyone can give me tips on how to hack the 2.8 it would be greatly appriciated(never been able to spell that word )

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular psiko_scweek's Avatar
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    ok...1st time coder and you want to hack the 2.8FW? good luck with that one. my only advice would be to research the living hell outta what the Noob team and Dark Alex has found out. thats your best bet.

    but honestly i woudlnt even bother, start small make basic homebrew and work your way up.

  3. #3
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    If you are truely a first time coder, forget the PSP completely. Learn a language and the concepts on the PC (the easiest platform and environment) then develop for other hardware later when you have a much better idea of what is involved.

    If you intended to learn C/C++ then look at my article on 'Where to Start C++ Programming'.

    However, Python is one of the easiest langauges to grasp and allows you to learn the concepts easily. Used with Pygame (SDL bindings) and you can easily make games out of it.

    Another alternative is C# (a great OO language) with the ever improving XNA SDK. However this limits you to the PC and Xbox360 for development.

  4. #4


    I agree with yaustar

  5. #5


    um thx...ok then ill try to crack a 1.0 or a 1.5 whichever u guys think is easier...i cant do pc cuz i dont have the software for it...and right now im an hour and 15 minutes into a cygwin set whichever u guys think is easiest other than the pc

  6. #6
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    The software that you need for the PC is free.

    - Codeblocks
    - Visual Studio 2005 C++ Express Edition
    - DevCpp

    All the above are good IDEs and come with a compiler for C/C++ for the PC. They are all free.

    Same with all the software that I mentioned in the previous post. It is all free.

  7. #7


    ok well...ill try that...but if i was to code a psp which fw should i start with

  8. #8
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    If you are going to code for the PSP, then you code FOR the PSP. The firmware doesn't matter as much at this stage.

    In regards to your eariler request, you are defintiely in NO stage to starting hacking any firmware in the literal sense of the term.

  9. #9


    lol wow u seem kind of um...drill sargent like no offense...but im kinda saying i dont really understan...could u please help me

  10. #10
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    As long as the PSP can run homebrew, it doesn't matter what version firmware the PSP is. You are coding for the PSP platform and NOT the PSP firmware.

    You will need to clarify what you mean by 'hack the X.XX firmware' as well.

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