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Thread: devhook and emu conflict? *Edited*

  1. #1

    Default devhook and emu conflict? *Edited*

    I need help, I'll start from the begining..
    I upgraded my psp firmware so i could downgrade to 1.5. THat worked- all good.
    downloaded Snes emu and some games- those worked too.
    Heres where i think stuff started to go wrong-

    I downloaded a psp iso game (bleach *anime game*) and read that I needed to have the PSP in UMD mode to be able to execute the game.
    I put in a demo disc, but since my psp is a firmware of 1.5 and the game wants 2.71 I got Devhook so I could play the UMD. And i can now play the UMD using dev hook to switch back n forth between firmwares.

    But the iso/file i downloaded seems to only be the fast loader- there is no ISO in it.

    Since my iso wasnt working I went back to trying to play my SNES emu games. And now i'm getting a error that reads 'the game could not be started. (80020001)'

    So now I can't play my emu's either because I keep getting this error with my SNES emu and Genesis Emu.

    Does this make better sense? I dont know what i didnt wrong or what is conflicting with the emus.
    so can ya help a girl figure this out?
    Sorry for being such A NOOB!!

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend Video_freak's Avatar
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    I don't understand exactly what isn't working. Please be clearer...

  3. #3
    PSP User
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    Hold up your power switch for 10+ seconds or until the screen shuts off. Turn it back on and it should work.

    Edit: I left my Coke in the freezer for too long and now it's frozen.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend dejkirkby's Avatar
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    Your emulators won't run while you are using DevHook, and to use iso's you will have to find help elsewhere as we can't help. NO ISO talk.

  5. #5


    Well, it looks like i can help you as u didn't download the iso, apparently u downloaded fastloader... But im still not gonna touch that problem

    For SNES, it seems that the eboot is not Kxploited, u need to have PSP/Game/(insert emulator name here) and PSP/Game/(insert emulator name here)%

    Make sure u have the 1.50 version of the eboot

    As for the iso problem... buy the game

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