Active Translators Valiarchon
Hackers Vash / StorMyu / Lewnatic
Editors Lewnatic & Conn
Inactive Snoozysam (English Translation)
17/10/2011 - Project Announcement There has been much debate within this project about when it could be the right time to make this announcement – is there even a right time? We couldn’t really answer that, however we thought now is as good a time as any: when we have progress to show and are happy to invite help! So, with that I am happy to announce a new translation project for Tales of Rebirth (PS2 and PSP).
The project really began in 2010, when it escalated into a full team of hackers, translators, editors and any other roles you can think of! We’re all happy with the progress made, but there is still much left to do, so, even though this post is an announcement of the project, you can think of it as an advertisement for help. We are looking for someone with adequate Japanese to English translation skills. Do you think you fit that criteria and have an interest in joining our team as a translator? Drop me a personal message on this forum and we’ll talk some more.
Screenshots Any and all translations are subject to change.
Relevant Link: (,13408.html