The ZX Spectrum was incredibly popular during the 8-bit computer scene in the 1980s, so much so that there have been countless magazines, fanzines and ezines published for it. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever in the gaming scene and all those zines have mostly disappeared by now, but now the makers of PC Engine Gamer have stepped forth to quench the thirst of eager Spectrum gamers with the aptly title ZX Spectrum Gamer.
So what is this new ZX Spectrum Gamer? Think PC Engine Gamer, but for the Speccy, and you’re there: wonderful design with great content. For the premiere issue, the ZXSG team have chosen the sublime cult classic Trashman for the cover feature and rightly so – a truly unique game that we’re never likely to see again. Then there are other features such as The Gallery (game cover art), Load ” ” (a selection of great loading screens), Killer Kong (a Donkey Kong clone), Olli and Lissa (cute platformer), The Parsons Nose (look back at a certain year in multimedia), and more.
ZX Spectrum Gamer issue 1 can be downloaded in PDF format or read online at PC Engine Software Bible website. Be sure to catch up with past issues of PC Engine Gamer while you’re there.
News source via World of Spectrum