Classic video game anniversaries seem to be popping up all over the place these days, and with issue 95 of Retro Gamer, the guys have gone Bubble Bobble crazy as the arcade hit celebrates its 25th. This includes a look at the original arcade classic as well as the various ports and sequels. Other main attractions include the Collector’s Guide: ZX Spectrum, The History Of Resident Evil (which is 15 years old – see, another anniversary), The Making Of: FIFA International Soccer (oh, dear, what were they thinking? – both RG and EA).
In amongst the many articles are Cheap As Chips: Dune II: Battle For Arrakis, From The Archives: Krisalis Software, Classic Game: Castlevania: Bloodlines, The Making Of: Alien Trilogy. Then there are the other regulars such as Back to the Eighties/Nineties, The Unconverted, Future Classic, Retro Reated, Homebrew and more.
Retro Gamer issue 95 is on sale across the UK now and can also be purchased online at the Imagine eShop where it can also be purchased in digital form for your preferred portable device. And if you want to browse through the magazine – you know, like those people who stand in the newsagent stores idly flicking through a mag only to put it back on the shelve, dog eared and all – then Darran Jones (RG Editor) has made a video preview just for you. But if you like what you see, consider buying it, eh?