Tiny Speck, the studio behind the browser-based MMO Glitch, believes that mobile devices will be the dominant gaming platform for the next ten years.
Speaking to IndustryGamers, Kakul Srivastava, the company's vice president of product and operations, stated that mobile's dominance is not a matter for the future. "It is what is happening right now," she said.
"I think the killer console is going to be your mobile device. That is absolutely where people will play more rich and involving, and even graphically intensive games."
"What excites us is how much more you can do on the iPhone 4 than you were able to do with previous generations of iPhone. And if you watch Android development cycles, it's going to be your mobile device."
The pace at which hardware manufacturers are adding features and iterating on the technology cannot be matched by the traditional console cycle of 5 to 7 years. Srivastava believes that mobile will be far ahead by the time the next consoles actually arrive.
"That pace of change is why mobile devices are going to be the console of the future. The way player interaction and player needs are changing, it's much faster than the five to seven years that we're talking about."
Srivastava's comments echo those made by Bioware co-founder Dr. Ray Muzyka in an earlier interview, in which Muzyka admitted that the studio would pursue mobile extensions of all of its franchises.
"Mobile's going to be one of the dominant platforms going forward," he said. "It's going to be right up there with anything else - it already is in a sense."
