Jeremysr has posted a new entry in our Dream Coding Grand Prix Coding Competition, heres the details:

This is version 3 of my DSLua Skydiver game. Only a couple of you have played it before so I'll explain it. A plane moves at the top of the screen, and there is a pool of water surrounded by spikes at the bottom. You need to hit the touch screen at the right moment so that the diver will fall into the target. (He'll jump out of the plane as soon as you touch the touch screen.)

In this version I've added wind, highscores, a menu, and an "infinite" mode where you play for as long as you can until you die. Infinite mode saves your highest score.

See _INSTRUCTIONS.TXT to find out how to run it. (DSLua makes you go through some menus to get to the game...)

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