Managed to get hold of a copy of Modern Warfare 3 early? Then Microsoft is urging you to think twice before putting the disc in your Xbox 360.
The warning, which has become fairly standard nowadays, comes from Xbox Live’s director of policy and enforcement Stephen Tolouse.
Responding to questions on Twitter by those who have already got hold of their copy (many of which came via a mistake at retailer K-Mart), Toulouse stated: “If your copy is legit and obtained legitly, have fun. It's a great game.”
However, this Tweet was followed some hours later by the following: “Double-checked with Activision. Mw3 pre-release play not authorized. So please be patient. Playing early may impact your account!”
Panicking? MCV has a reassuring message – don’t worry.
Early selling is a pain and publishers will understandably try and put both retailers and consumers off. But in our experience we’re yet to meet anyone who has been banned from XBL for playing a genuine copy of a game early. And those who say they were banned are probably pirates.