The man who is credited with fathering the modern video games industry has delivered a damning verdict of the modern games market.
Ralph Baer, who in the ‘60s designed the prototypes for went on to become the world’s first console, the Magnavox Odyssey, is displeased with the violent nature of today’s triple-A titles.
“I think it’s a disgrace,” he told The Salt Lake Tribune. “What I created got abominated.”
That’s not to say that Baer regrets the part he played in the video gaming revolution, however.
“All I did was come up with what I thought was a fun idea that was the result of a little box that was attached to a television set,” he added. “It just grew and grew and grew. Nobody realised, even at that time, that we were on this geometric curve that would go straight up to heaven.
“It was unforeseeable; it was fantastic. I’m glad it happened. And if I hadn’t had started it, someone else would have.”