Apparently 3DS sales aren't so bad. Or, more accurately, 3DS sales are not great, but DS sales were also pretty bad at first. It's all relative. The company said today that the 3DS is "poised" to sell more 3DS systems in its first year than the DS did. The 3DS system is over 1.65 million units sold in the US, and the DS sold 2.37 million in its first year, "with approximately 50 percent of those sales occurring in the holiday time frame."

It's worth remembering that the DS was pretty bad in that first year, and didn't become a sales sensation until early 2006 with the introduction of the DS Lite. So that's not the most impressive milestone. In fact, we would hope a 3DS with both a (good!) Mario game and Mario Kart will be able to outsell a system that had neither.

Nintendo reported "more than 250,000" 3DS systems sold in the US in October, along with "nearly 180,000" DS units and "nearly 250,000" Wiis. Of course, all those numbers, along with every other game system's sales numbers, will go up significantly in the next two months. We'll have more NPD information this evening.