Yosi Yaguri, creator of Pah!, says the secret is to charge for your game, wait for the first hacks and then drop the price.
Pah! is the cult game for iPhone and Android that uses tone of voice as the controller. It's a sideways scrolling shooter that requires the player to show 'Pah' to fire bullets.
It's become a big word of mouth hit and has generated a huge number of YouTube clips of people playing it – and laughing uncontrollably.
At today's Power Of One developer event in London, Yaguri revealed that piracy has helped to propagate his game. He said: "We always wait for the hackers to hack the game and then drop the price.
"It's why 99 per cent of our pirates are in China and yet China is also the biggest market for us. And It's why I will never release a game free of charge."
