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Hey, Orbital Media is back! Who is that? Orbital Media is the development studio that brought us Racing Gears Advance back in early 2005. Now don't bother trying to remember what else they did, since the list of games on the market ends there. Way back at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2005, Orbital wowed us with its action RPG game, Scurge: Hive. Now, over a year after the intended release, gamers will finally get to experience what Orbital has to offer, and we're giving the game another look to refresh everyone's memory.

Meet Jenosa Arma. Like all female bounty hunters, she is as beautiful as she is deadly. Jenosa has got a rather nifty cybernetic suit that not only allows her to kick butt and take names, but it keeps her head uncovered so her giant hair doesn't get messed up. Hey, a girl has her priorities. Don't let Jenosa's stylish do fool you. She's a tough broad, and, with a cybernetic gauntlet that shoots energy beams, she'll fry your ass.

Jenosa, with the help of her android navigator, Magellan, is off to answer a distress call from a research lab on a distant planet. Seems the scientists in the lab were studying a rare and dangerous alien life form known as Scurge. The Scurge have the ability to infect biological, mechanical, and energy based entities. Luckily for Jenosa, her cybernetic suit helps fend off the infectious aliens, but it doesn't stop them completely

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