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Thread: Teen arrested for bush comments

  1. #21
    DCEmu Old Pro SnesR0X's Avatar
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    Clinton is way cooler than bush, and it's not very hard to be. Can't wait untill 2008, bush get's outta there and i'll be graduated it's not just for the U.S's sake, but for the rest of the world too, we don't want any more terrible decisions by that man, or at least, no more by the people who tell him what to say...

  2. #22


    all though i am sick of people trying to play the freedom of speech card in a forum that is in no way owned by the united states government or any government for that matter, we make the rules)
    Leave it alone dude just leave it alone. Everyone is tired of head strong mods claiming the right to go all mussolini on us because they think there will be a flame war. I'm tired of free speech being used as such a generic clutch for an arguement. It defends your right to say stuff not the stuff you actually said, merrit is everything.. And if this site is soo out of lawful jurisdiction why cant we talk about warez? No law equal no problems for warez dealingz. As long as you are in America you follow its rules, the non American members arnt accountable though and if your not in the U.S. but your American you can't be punished for this sites doings.
    If your president showed qualitys deserving respect, then maybe amerikans would respect him, not only amerikans, but people of the world.
    I concede there are problems with Bush but you still will not disrespect him in this manner because he is the leader of this nation and it dont matter if you like it or not. YOU WILL respect that office. You want to attack Bush keep it legit dont call him a monkey or a Napolean. Thats the problem with your camp, there is truth to what you say but your either to much of a Bush Basher to know it or you can't put it in mature terms. Thats when you lose credibility. I'm not saying eligence is the winning factors but his enemy base is just so naive and ignorant. And who cares what the World thinks? If the people in this country knew the bad things i knew about our antiAmericans in Europe, Asia, S. America, Afrika, and the Arab World they'd know how rich that $#@! is. If this girl wants to kill Bush I say let her bring it. She don't back her words or walk the walk just like most of Bush opponents couldn't handle the insurgency, Afghan clans, or other Anti American elements before becoming a slave to them.

    Clinton is way cooler than bush, and it's not very hard to be.
    Yea thats his problem. He was too cool. I used to like Clinton but now I see he was a strong leader. He ignored Rwanda, discrased us in Somalia, should had recognized Somaliland as a result, the Monica scandal he let the people in his personal life when he should had been man enough and strong enough to tell anyone who wanted to know its time to drop it. Thats when the immature elements of our country came out and he did not discipline them as such since they really are child brained.

  3. #23
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ßüboni¢ $oñic
    Leave it alone dude just leave it alone. Everyone is tired of head strong mods claiming the right to go all mussolini on us because they think there will be a flame war. I'm tired of free speech being used as such a generic clutch for an arguement. It defends your right to say stuff not the stuff you actually said, merrit is everything.. And if this site is soo out of lawful jurisdiction why cant we talk about warez? No law equal no problems for warez dealingz. As long as you are in America you follow its rules, the non American members arnt accountable though and if your not in the U.S. but your American you can't be punished for this sites doings.
    wow, you want to talk about leaving it alone? how about not digging through topics looking for things to twist around. WE OWN THIS SITE, WE MADE THE TERMS OF USE RULES, AND WE WILL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO. The terms of service say no warez. Im going to stick the ban hammer up your ass if you ever spin anyones words again. Its best for you to just leave it alone i think.

  4. #24
    DCEmu Old Pro BL4Z3D247's Avatar
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    "Im going to stick the ban hammer up your ass"
    LMFAO, that was halarious...funniest threat i've ever heard a mod give out

  5. #25
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    ooga booga were crazy

    oh yeah i dont like bush and probably never will i find it embarrising how people say you let down your country im almost wtfed by this screw my president u think he represents america? i think the america is the land of freedom not war loving freaks with nukes pshht! how would YOU feel when you have to walk own your street and then you got some crazy americans wanting to take your oil, or just because you have a beard they shoot you i hate u ignorant sobs and saying blah blah theryre so bad blah blah seriously you think that in YOUR ignorance is that you know everything about the world, you had no idea america was having problems BEFORE september 11 you have NO IDEA of how people suffer because theyre a color or a race youre an ignorant fool and you are like 80% other people who are just like you, they dont know crap and i dont have to waste my time with you to explain it all out because i got some crazy secret service attacking me just because i say my opinion

    uh oh an angry captain crunch if this upsets you man ill take it down dont go crunchin on me (anyway dont take this as an insult i got warned like a million times already just tell me to take down da post thats all)

  6. #26
    DCEmu Old Pro stotheamuel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferds108
    Americans need to have more respect for the president. Some people may not agree with his decisions, But he is the president, and to put down the president of your country, is to put down the country you live in.

    that is the stupidest thing ive ever read...

    if the president shot your grandma... then $#@!d your dog... should you respect him/her?

  7. #27
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stotheamuel
    that is the stupidest thing ive ever read...

    if the president shot your grandma... then $#@!d your dog... should you respect him/her?
    I think it has more to do with respecting the office, not the president himself.

  8. #28
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAPTAIN AWESOME
    It isnt that im trying to censor you (all though i am sick of people trying to play the freedom of speech card in a forum that is in no way owned by the united states government or any government for that matter, we make the rules). It is more that i am trying to prevent a potential flame fest. Political discussions VERY OFTEN lead to that. Plus, off topic certainly dosnt mean you can post whatever the hell you want to... there are still rules in here too.

    to be honest i'm happy enough with political topics, but i understand why you worry, since some fools, do post some flamefest/ racist stuff. So i would allow it, but if someone breaks the rules, we will come down heavy on them

    edit: i should have read the whole topic... carry on

  9. #29
    PSP Coder MikeDX's Avatar
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    I still say bush is a penis
    Find yourself some ebay spelling mistake bargains!
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    Do you have a bricked psp?

  10. #30
    DCEmu Pro mesosade's Avatar
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    hehe what a dumb thread this has become keep it up and it'll be locked.

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