In what many gamers will say is a long overdue move, Club Nintendo is to begin offering free games in exchange for Nintendo coins.
Coins are earned when consumers purchase a Nintendo or select third party title for Wii, DS or 3DS. A user can exchange them against Nintendo’s catalogue at any time, though the selection is more often than not crammed with throw away items such as wallpapers or cheap collectibles.
From time to time decent gifts will show up – such as the thoroughly brilliant SNES-style Classic Wii controller – but this is the first time that games have been offered.
CVG spotted the news via a splash page on US Club Nintendo site, though it has since been taken down.
The titles being offered included Super Mario Kart on the Wii’s Virtual Console or a 3D version of Xevious for the 3DS. Both were priced at 100 coins.
It’s unknown if the offer will be replicated outside of the US.
The European Club Nintendo store currently allows users to swap coins for Nintendo’s digital currency.