We’ve previously commented on the brilliance of RetroManiac over the past year or so, and, once again, we’re amazed at the quality, in both content and production values, of this brilliant gaming zine. The ezine features super design throughout, including internal links – click on an article in the contents page and you will be taken to that page – and external links, which really enhances the enjoyment of an ezine (although it would be perfect if there bookmarks available to zoom back and forth as well).
Released in perfect time for a good Christmas read, issue 5′s main focus is the retro themed Rayman Origins, which features on the front cover and is also reviewed. However, the standout article of the issue is surely the impressive 22-page History Of Nintendo 64, including the hardware, software, magazines, timelines and more. If that’s not your bag, there are other gaming delights in the equally impressive 12-page Pixel Art feature, the Time Extended: Mega Man and RetroDossier: R-Type.
All that and much, much more can be found in the 156 pages of RetroManiac issue 5, which can be freely downloaded in two-page displayed PDF format or individual single page display PDF. The zine can also be read online via the ISSU website. A high-resolution print version is also promised. One last request… Please, guys, do consider an English language version.
