As Christmas is fast approaching, Retro Gamer produces another festive themed cover in the same vein as Newsfield Publications’ classic gaming mags, Crash and Zzap!64. And that’s fitting, because the highlight of this issue is undoubtedly The Making of… Zzap!64, the Commodore 64′s much loved gaming magazine, with input from Oliver Frey, Roger Kean and Gary Penn – a must read. Tying in with Newsfield’s Crash magazine – which covered gaming on the ZX Spectrum – is the Covertape Wars, which documents the covermount wars between the three main Speccy magazines, Sinclair User, Your Sinclair and, of course, Crash.
Elsewhere, there is The Making Of… Super Star Wars, The Lynx Effect, 30 Years Of Frogger, The History Of Dragon Quest, From The Archives: CRL Group, all the regulars – Back to the Eighties/Nineties, Minority Report, Retro Revivals, Future Classic, Retro Rated, Homebrew – and much, much more.
Retro Gamer issue 97 is on sale across the UK and can also be purchased online at the Imagine eShop where it can also be found in digital form for your preferred portable device. Also, check out Darran Jones’ (RG Editor) .