fangorn posted this news:

I've just released version 1.1 of ZodMAME (the Zodiac version of MAME optimised for the ATI 2D accelerator chip). This is the final version of ZodMAME as it is no longer being developed. I've had this version hanging around for a while with many major changes but never got around (forgot) to releasing it.

Here are the major changes:
* Added Cyclone 68000 ASM core to all modules. Substantial speed up for many 68k games. Some that worked before may crash now though.
* Implemented underclocking of MAME CPUs and sound CPUs. Big speedup for many games.
* Samples, such as StarTrek, now load using Storage Memory, i.e. less out of memory errors.
* Graphics optimisations to Capcom CPS1 drawing, some big speed ups.
* 16bit hack to handle 16bit games, thanks Vilmos!
* Vector games memory usage substantially reduced, no more out of memory errors, also the startup time has been reduced.
* Various graphical fixes to many games.
* Added favourites support to launcher
* Added Help to launcher
* Fixes to launcher ROM filtering

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