Man, we’ve been meaning to look at this fantastic compilation for some time (sorry for the delay, Alf). To be honest, when we first heard about Shoot ‘Em Up Destruction Set 2, we didn’t know what to expect and weren’t that thrilled about playing a bunch of shoot-’em-ups. Our initial trepidationwas soon unfounded, as the compilation features such a varied mix of classics from Alf Yngve.
First up is Super Tau Zeta, a sideways scrolling shooter. Now, we said we weren’t fans of shoot-’em-ups, but Super Tau Zeta intrigued us for various reasons. Immediately noticeable is that the player controls a fleet of space ships battling against some rather bizarre alien enemies and landscapes. This is an update of the entry that was entered into the Sideways SEUCK competition 2010 and features some impressive effects and scrolling. A must play for fans of the genre.
Next up is Bloodwheels, an unreleased game from 1994! The game was set to be released on the original Psytronik label, but has remained in Alf Yngve’s archives ever since… until now. This is essentially a vertical scrolling shooter where the player controls an armoured car taking on the might of tanks, planes, choppers and soldiers. Probably the weaker of the games on display here, but still a good effort.