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Thread: Variant Interactive Clarifies Cave Story PSP

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp Variant Interactive Clarifies Cave Story PSP

    Via Kotaku

    Last time we posted about the sublime freeware platformer Cave Story and its upcoming migration to the PSP, many of you called me out, claiming that this project by Variant Interactive was widely known to be an unauthorized port. Pixel had apparently decried it. I was so swayed by the collective voice that I urged none of you to buy it.

    Christopher Boyer, CEO of Variant Interactive, was wounded to the quick and sent me an email, explaining the situation:

    f I might, I'd like to clear up what amounts to speculation from Wikipedia and a couple of folks on Livejournal. The ugliness started with a kid who I suppose is a regular in some Cave Story fan community on, who sent Pixel an email, or posted on his BBS (one of the two, I'm not sure at this point) about the PSP version. Pixel, who does not speak English, didn't quite catch the gist of what he was saying and told him he didn't know what the kid was talking about. This kid took it to mean that Pixel had never heard of us or what we were doing. Hence the drama bomb.
    The truth of the situation is that I've personally been in contact with Pixel, both one-on-one with my mediocre Japanese skills, and through a wonderful translator for the big stuff (and pretty much everything, at this point) since early 2005.

    We are clearing each and every step with Pixel before we move forward on just about anything, and are about to wrap up an early build for him to preview and put his OK stamp on.

    This is excellent news, and Christopher insisted that they were actually going to be sending Pixel a good chunk of change for the port.

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  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular Shiaoran's Avatar
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    speculation from Wikipedia
    Actually from the Studio Pixel BBS
    and a couple of folks on Livejournal.
    That was a bit later, but yes.
    The ugliness started with a kid
    Studio Pixel fan or Doukutsu Monogatari/Cave Story player, please. I'm not a kid. And I believe that it wasn't only me that let Daisuke know about the port, I'd be too lucky to be 'The guy' XD
    who I suppose is a regular in some Cave Story fan community on
    who sent Pixel an email, or posted on his BBS (one of the two, I'm not sure at this point)
    This kid took it to mean that Pixel had never heard of us or what we were doing.
    I made it very clear and suggested that he worked things out because it was a huge oportunity. What independent game maker wouldn't like to release a game for PSP?
    Hence the drama bomb.
    Actually, when the guys on the BBS started talking about it, they made the drama. I was just hoping to play a improved DM/CS on my PSP, and I believe that Daisuke is more anxious than pissed.
    since early 2005.
    I doubt it.

    I just want to play the game. From day 1 I don't care if it's legal or not. How many stolen ideas we use every day... Just a quick example:
    I wish my best to Variant Interactive and Studio Pixel.
    Maybe I should post this on the Variant Interactive forums too... Nah, let 'em read here ^^

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